Prarthna Batra
Prarthna Batra, 16 years old , proves young people can change the world and make an impact.
Prarthna Batra is an avid reader and a public speaker . She has spoken at many large public forums. Prarthna last year spoke at the annual women’s economic forum where she was amongst the three youngest speakers. She captivated the audience with her address on why menstruation should not be celebrated .
Prarthna and her team won the second spot in the TIE Young Entrepreneurs Business Plan competition.
Prarthna is to soon be an author and is currently in the process of writing her debut book on entrepreneurship which is set to launch later this year. She intends to make an impact through her book on entrepreneurship which is tentatively titled ’The Gen-Z Guide to Success. Prarthna also launched a youtube series about entrepreneurship earlier this year featuring successful achievers from different fields of work .