The Sunflower Seeds

Platforms To Cover For Book Publicity

Book publicity means ensuring that your book has a buzz around it even before it releases by making sure it’s covered by several popular forms of media. For more about book publicity, read this article.

Here are the various publicity platforms you should look at covering:

Author Websites:
Creating and maintaining an author website is essential for establishing your online presence and making it easier for your work to be found online.

Author Blog
If this doesn’t take away from your book writing, do utilise this platform for SEO for your website and to stay closer to fans. Use this platform to share information about your book, writing process, upcoming events, and personal insights. Engaging content can attract readers to your books.

Social Media Platforms:
Social media is absolutely necessary in this day and age. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn allow authors to engage directly with readers. By sharing book updates, organising giveaways, and hosting Q&A sessions you can build a dedicated fan base and generate word-of-mouth promotion. For this strong and active social media presence is vital.

Book Review Blogs and Websites:
There are many book review blogs and websites so be sure to look for those relevant to your book’s genre. This can provide valuable exposure to the right audience. Many avid readers follow these blogs to discover new books and authors from reviewers that feel closer to them than a big media house.

Bookstagrammers, BookTubers and Booktokers
Bookstagrammers are Instagrammers/instagram accounts that focus on books; BookTubers are YouTubers who discuss books and Booktokers are TikTok users or accounts that focus on books. With the new generation’s short attention span and reliance on Social Media for news, these creators have become influential figures in the book community. They often have large followings of avid readers and can help create buzz around your book through reviews, book hauls, and other book-related content. They are now essential for book publicity.

Goodreads is a social media platform specifically designed for book lovers. There are many websites, but Goodreads is the biggest, as it’s linked with Kindle and Amazon. As an author, you can create an author profile and interact with readers through the Q&A feature. Encouraging readers to leave reviews and rate your book on Goodreads can also boost its visibility.

Virtual Book Clubs:
Virtual book clubs offer a unique opportunity to connect with readers from various locations. Reach out to online book clubs that are best suited to your genre of writing or create your own cook club. Social media, your author’s website or Goodreads are good places to do so. Participate in discussions, answer questions, and offer virtual author appearances to engage with club members.

Podcasts and Radio Shows:
Podcasts are now very popular, especially for those who like audiobooks or those who listen to podcasts or radio while commuting. There are many dedicated to discussing books and hosting author interviews. Contact podcast hosts or radio show producers to inquire about opportunities for featuring your book and sharing your writing journey. The written word is not the only form of book publicity.

Newspapers and Magazines
Those who prefer the written word often still read magazines and newspapers and rely on these big media houses for trusted reviews. Do reach out to them to feature your book or for an interview.

Local Media:
Don’t overlook the power of local media, such as newspapers, magazines, and community radio stations. They often support and feature local authors and their book releases. Send out press releases and reach out to journalists to secure interviews or features.

Book Festivals and Literary Events:
Participating in book festivals, conferences, and literary events can expose your book to a broader audience. By participating in panels or workshops you reach readers outside your usual network and get to meet fellow authors and industry professionals.

Book Tours and Events:
Organising book tours and book launch parties help authors connect directly with readers and book enthusiasts in person, rather than just over the internet. This is absolutely essential to book publicity a successful book release can kickstart the sales.

Book Signings:
At both the tour and during festivals, you should participate in signings. It’s the fastest way to make personal contact with many fans. Some people might also buy your book for the novelty of getting a signed copy.

This might seem like a lot of steps, but your agent or publisher will help with a lot of them. If your agent helps in controlling your brand, then they will even help with the website and online presence. If you find social media a nuisance to handle and distracting from your work, those in charge of marketing your book can help with that too. Don’t be daunted by the list, but don’t leave out any step either.